Synthetic biology of antibiotic production II, 30 August – 4 September 2014Synthetic biology of antibiotic production II, 30 August – 4 September 2014

Home > Programme > Day 5: Wednesday 3 September

Session 3C: Tools for the synthetic biology of antibiotic production

09.00 - 11.00

Chair: Marnix Medema, Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology

09.00 - 09.30 Kirsten Jung, LMU Munich, Germany

Polyproline proteins and translational constraints

09.35 - 09.45 Tilmann Weber, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

The promiscuous discrete acyltransferase KirCII - a novel tool for polyketide

09.50 - 10.00Derek Mattern, Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, Germany

Bioprospecting of Secondary Metabolites by Use of a Heterologous Expression System in Eukaryotes

10.05 - 10.15 Manuel Montalbán-Lopez, University of Groningen, Netherlands

Awakening sleeping lantibiotics: in vivo production of active lantibiotics

10.20 - 10.30 Youming Zhang, Shandong University, China 

Direct Cloning – A new strategy for studying the PKS/NRPS gene clusters presented in bacterial genomes

10.35 - 10.45 Wade Winkler, The University of Maryland, US

Novel genetic regulatory tools for improved heterologous expression of secondary metabolite pathways

10.50 - 11.00 Sergey Zotchev, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

Engineering of a Streptomyces chassis for heterologous production of terpenoids

11:00 - 11.30 Coffee break

Session 4A: Industrial and clinical applications of synthetic biology of antibiotic production – current status and future trends

11.30 - 12.45

Chair: Maggie Smith, University of York, UK

11.30 - 12.00 Jutta Heim, Evolva SA, Switzerland

A Yeast Synthetic Biology Platform Generates Novel Pharmacological Scaffolds for Drug Discovery

12.05 - 12.15 Nick Allenby, Newcastle University, UK

Discovery and heterologous expression of antibiotics from an Amycolatopsis Isolate

12.20 - 12.30 Sarah Shepherd, University of Manchester, UK

Natural products discovery and bioengineering network

12:45 Lunch

Session 4B: Industrial and clinical applications of synthetic biology of antibiotic production – current status and future trends

15.00 - 17.10

Chair: Sergey Zotchev, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

15.00 - 15.10 Jens Schrader, DECHEMA Research Institute, Germany

Pseudomonas putida as a novel cell factory for the production of antimicrobial monoterpenoids

15.15 - 15.25 Cees van den Hondel, University of Leiden, Netherlands

Cell wall stress induced genesas new targets for antifungals in Aspergillus fumigatus

15.30 - 15.40  Mahadevan Radhakrishnan, University of Toronto, Canada

Engineering Yeast for Antibiotic Production

15.45 - 15.55 Christian Weyler, Saarland University, Germany

Synthesis of luminmides using permeabilized cells


15.55 - 16.25 Coffee break


16.25 - 16.35 Vera Meyer, Berlin University of Technology, Germany

Aspergillus niger as production host for secondary metabolites

16.40 - 17.10 Wilfried Weber, University of Freiburg, Germany


17.10 - 18.10 Forward Look Plenary Discussion

19.00 Get-together & Conference Dinner, Poster and presentation prize winner announcement

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